OTB Flow Snippet

These are all the nodes that the user can use to create any conversation flow that is intended. Other than these nodes, the console has one other node, that is, OTB Flow Snippet node.

This node is used to tell the team which flow snippets the user wants to add for its conversation. As soon as this type of node is dropped in the conversation section. The conversation section appears below:

Figure 1. Figure 58 - OTB Flow Snippet Conversation section

On dropping the OTB response, the conversation form changes to the following:

Figure 2. Figure 59 - Flow snippets form

The user creating a conversation must note that if there are some response type nodes already existing in conversation section, while adding OTB Flow snippet the following validations are applied:

  • If the conversation section has node or series of nodes (response type User Response, Simple Response, User Option Response, Integration Trigger) then, if end user tries to add OTB Flow Snippets, a confirmation is required by the end user stating if he wants to add OTB Flow Snippets. Then the existing conversation is removed.
Figure 3. Figure 60 - Response when OTB flow snippets are added
Figure 4. Figure 61- Error Invalid Response
  • If the conversation section has OTB Flow snippets as a part of it, one more OTB Flow snippet cannot be added.
  • If the conversation section has OTB Flow snippets as a part of it, and user tries to add any other response type (other than OTB flow snippets) then the user is prompted to confirm the action. Confirming the action removes the OTB Flow snippet response type.
Figure 5. Figure 62 - Response when OTB flow snippets are deleted

When the user drags the OTB flow snippet, if any of the existing nodes are there (user response, simple response, user option response integration trigger) then a confirmation is asked to the end user, if they still want to add the flow snippet or not. After his confirmation the user can add flow snippets according to their use case.

This node is used to tell the team which flow snippets the user wants to add for its conversation. He can select flow snippets with the help of auto-complete form.

Figure 6. Figure 63 - When user selects flow snippets

Once the user selects the flow snippets, then the end user can see the applied flow snippet in the conversation section. The conversation also has a start node with OTB response, where utterance of start node is added in the OTB flow utterance.

Figure 7. Figure 64 - Applied flow snippet