Conversation Designer Tour

For the first time users, this multifunctional console may seem quite complex. To overcome this issue, the developers have integrated a general walkthrough of the console via Conversation Designer Tour. As soon as the first-time user gets on the page, the Conversation Designer Tour is triggered which guides the user through the general functionalities of the console. This tour is also available on the List page and on the Update page.

Figure 1. Figure 7 - Conversation Designer Tour

This feature gives you a basic understanding of the console. This is triggered for the first-time users.

At any point in time, if the user wishes to get the walkthrough of the console, the user can click on the on the right top corner of the console to go through the Conversation Designer Tour again.

Figure 2. Figure 8 - Conversation Designer Tour Helper
C:\Users\yeduguri.himani\OneDrive - HCL Technologies Ltd\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (333).png
  1. Click on the button to trigger the Conversation Designer Tour.
  2. Click on the Next button to move forward
  3. Click on the Prev button to move to the previous element of the console
  4. Click on the Got it button to end the tour at any time
Figure 3. Figure 9 - Conversation Designer Tour