Contextual Node

Contextual Node is used to save the contextual entities that are expected to be used in the conversation flow. In the contextual node, the user can customize the following:

  • Context Name
  • Context Question
  • Contextual Entity

As soon as the contextual node is saved after adding all the necessary information, Contextual User response node automatically appears in the drop list after the Contextual User response, this way the user is spared the workload of dragging and dropping another node.

Figure 1. Figure 43 - Contextual Node & Contextual User Response Pair
Figure 2. Figure 44 - Contextual Node Form Display

In the contextual node form, the user can add or edit the context. After the user has added any context and afterwards feels the need to edit the same entity can always click on the edit sign on the list of context entities visible in the form. Clicking on edit, reopens the form for that specific context entity.

To take an example, let’s assume that the user intends to customize the context entity named as “Date” in the above figure. As soon as the user clicks on the edit button of that specific entity, the form looks like the following figure:

Figure 3. Figure 45 - Editing Contextual Node Form Display

The set of rules that are in place for contextual node for an enhanced user experience are as follows:

  • It cannot be the first node of any conversation.
  • Context names should be unique, that means, there should not be any duplicate context names.
  • Save button is not visible, until a contextual entity is added.
  • Contextual node is allowed to have an input from start node and user option response node, but its output node can be connected to other or BigFix AEX category response apart from contextual node.
  • It can never be the last node.