Points to Remember

  • For translation of the content, the Google’s translation services are used. Sometimes it is possible that you might not agree with the translation that the service has provided.
  • To overcome this situation, we can edit the translated content for any language as per our will. To do so, select the language from the drop down and make the changes in the HTML field or Step Text field, and it will be auto saved.
Figure 1. Figure 257  Editing the HTML Field content for the selected language
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated
Figure 2. Figure 258  Editing the Step Text field content for the selected language
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  • This step is required because when we add a new step to these SOPs, all the translation needs to be added at the time of addition only.
Figure 3. Figure 259  Error message when adding one more step without selecting English Language
Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
Figure 4. Figure 260  Confirmation message when translation is initiated without populating the HTML field
A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated