Update Settings for Windows MDM Server

Learn how to update BigFix MDM Service for Windows for MCM 2.0 or later.

About this task

  • You can update organization name, user facing hostname, and LDAP parameter through this Fixlet.
  • If you are updating the BigFix MDM Service for Windows from MCM 1.1 to MCM 2.0, you must add WNS credentials via BESUEM Fixlet 407 Update Settings for Windows MDM Server. Only after that, the Fixlet to update to MCM 2.0 becomes relevant. You can then update the MDM server through Fixlet or through WebUI.

To add the WNS credentials, run Fixlet 407 Update Settings for Windows MDM Server with the following information:

  1. Enter the organization name. While enrolling a device, the organization name is displayed to the users along with the rest of the profile information.
  2. Enter user facing hostname. This is the hostname of the server that the enrolling devices should be pointing to. The value must be the hostname from a valid URL. For example, enter mdmserver.deploy.bigfix.com.
  3. Enter WNS Credentials JSON: Copy and paste the content of the wnscredentials.json file as created in Generating WNS credentials
  4. Enter the following LDAP parameters you want to change.
  5. Click on the link “here” to run the Fixlet.