Enable the required macOS permission on Remote Control Target version V10 IF0001 or later

When a session is established for the first time, to view the screen and control a macOS Target/On-demand Target, enable Accessibility and Screen Recording permissions.

About this task

After launching the Target or On-demand Target application on macOS for the first time, the operating system prompts to grant Accessibility permission first and then Screen Recording permission.
  • If the Target computer is running macOS 10.14 Mojave, then only the Accessibility permission is requested.
  • If you deny the needed permissions, the Controller screen does not show the remote Target screen and you cannot control the remote Target.

To grant the required permissions:


  1. When prompted to grant accessibility access, click Open System Preferences.
  2. Click on the lock icon and enter the credentials to allow changes on the settings.
    Note: Administrator privileges are required for this permission.
  3. Enable the checkbox in the Accessibility section.

  4. Navigate to Security and Privacy > Privacy tab > Screen Recording and enable the checkbox in the Screen Recording section.

  5. On the confirmation popup, click Later.


You can view the remote screen and control the target.

For troubleshooting information, see Target screen not visible or input not working from the Controller on macOS.