Configure a scan in AppScan on Cloud

Configure a static analysis scan.


To scan your application:
  1. Download and set up either:
  2. Identify what you will scan. You can scan a GitHub repository, an IRX file, or source code files:
    1. Identify the public GitHub repository to scan, and verify that you have appropriate access to it.
      AppScan on Cloud requires read access to repositories to perform security scans on them.
      Note: To scan a private repository, install the HCL AppScan on Cloud GitHub application on the GitHub account or organization that owns the repository to scan. See Installing a GitHub App from a third party.
    2. To generate an IRX file by using the CLI, follow the instructions in Generating an IRX file by using the command line interface (CLI). You can scan all supported languages from the CLI.
    3. To generate an IRX file for a Maven project, follow the instructions in Running static analysis for a Maven project. Maven supports Java and Android projects only.
    4. To scan in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio, follow the instructions in Scanning in integrated development environments. In Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, you can scan Java projects - and in Visual Studio, you can scan .NET (C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET).
    5. To generate an IRX file using AppScan Go!, follow the instructions in Configuring a scan using AppScan Go!.
    6. To scan a source code file, identify the appropriate .zip, .war, .jar, or .ear file.
    Note: When you scan code or generate an IRX file, you might receive a message about updating to the latest Static Analyzer Command Line Utility. See Command Line Utility (CLI) support.
  3. If you have not yet done so, Create an application for your scans.
  4. Use the Create scan wizard to start configuring your scan. Select Applications > <Application> > Create scan > SAST Static Analysis: Create scan.