Logon format

You can add the Logon option with the showjob command to view the information related jobs in Logon format.

The following details are displayed in the Logon format.
The workstation the job runs on.
Job Stream
The name of the job stream.
The date and time the job is scheduled to run. The date is displayed in the mm/dd format.

The job name. The following notation might precede the job name.

  • rerun as

    The job that was rerun by using the rerun command ran.

  • rerun step

    The job that was rerun by using the rerun;step command.

The state of a job or job stream. For more information, see State.
The job number.

Details about the user.

Note: You can view the following information for the Windows operating system.
  • username
  • domain\username
  • username@internet_domain
Return code
The return code of the job.