Variable table definition

This topic introduces the variable table definition, that can be managed from the Orchestration CLI and from the Dynamic Workload Console.

Variables are values that can change according to the purpose of job streams and jobs. You can assign variables to a job stream or job. When they run, those variables are automatically processed. For more information about variable passing, see Passing variables between jobs.

A variable table is a scheduling item defined in the database, that can be used only by authorized users. Variable tables group multiple variables and are particularly useful in job definitions that are referenced in different job streams.

In job and job stream definitions you can use variables that can be maintained centrally in the database on the server.

The scheduler has a default variable table in which all new or edited variables are stored when you do not assign a specific variable table.

The variable name is unique inside the variable table, though you can use the same variable name in different tables. Variable tables can be assigned to job streams, run cycles, and workstations.