Managing a variable table definition from the Dynamic Workload Console

This topic shows how to manage a variable table.

The purpose of the following scenario is to show how to create a variable table definition in the context of an example.

The scope of the scenario is to create a variable table to send an e-mail to the technical team during working days and add that variable table to a run cycle into an existing job stream.

The existing job stream customer_requests contains a job definition of unix type. The job definition contains the following command:
echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" ^mail^
To create a variable table to send the customer e-mails to the technical team, proceed as follows:
  1. Create a variable table:
    1. From the From the Design menu, click Workload Designer page, and then select the engine.
    2. In Explore area, click Create new + and choose Variable table.
    3. In General Info, type the name workingdays_requests.
    4. In Variables, click on the add symbol (+).
    5. Type the name mail and the value
    6. Save.
  2. Open the existing job stream customer_requests in edit mode:
    1. In the Run cycles section, add a new run cycle.
    2. In General Info, type the name working_days.
    3. In Variable table, search for and select the workingdays_requests variable table.
    4. In Rule, complete the field as follows:
      1. In Repeat Schedule, select weekly.
      2. In Run every selected number of weeks, type 1.
      3. In On the following day type, select from Monday to Friday.
    5. Save.

You created a variable table to send the requests of the customers to the technical team during working days.