Managing multiple config.yaml files

You can create multiple config.yaml files in the database to run commands on different contexts without changing the default context. The feature permits you to use multiple config.yaml files at the same time.

When working with different contexts, such as development, staging, and production, this functionality is particularly useful. Each config.yaml file includes specific configuration settings for the corresponding context, allowing seamless switching between contexts. To create a new config.yaml file, simply duplicate the existing one and assign it a unique name that reflects the context it represents. Then, you can update the configuration settings within the new file to match the requirements of the specific context. After you create multiple config.yaml files in place, you can easily switch between them by specifying the desired file name when running commands. This ensures that the appropriate configuration settings are applied for each context, preventing accidental changes to the default context. By managing multiple config.yaml files, you can streamline your workflow and reduce the risk of errors caused by manual configuration changes. This capability provides a flexible and efficient way to handle different contexts. You can run the command as follows:
ocli [model|plan|plugin|context] [-file = Location of config.yaml file] command
ocli [model|plan|plugin|context] command [-file = Location of config.yaml file]
ocli [-file = Location of config.yaml file] [model|plan|plugin|context] command
[-file = Location of config.yaml file]
Specify the location of config.yaml file in your computer.