
You can use the listfolder command to view the folders in a directory.

Syntax and command line options

Before you run the command, you must specify the details of the folder to view. You must have the list or list and display access to the target folders. For more information about security access roles, see Access required to run Orchestration CLI commands. You can enter the command as follows:
ocli plan listfolder | lf foldername

The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:

Use the forward slash ("/") to see all the folders in the directory. If you specify a folder name after the forward slash, all the folders saved under the specified folder are listed. To see all the folders in a tree structure, specify the ampersand character("@").


  1. To list all folders in the root, run the following command:
    ocli plan listfolder /
  2. To list all folders in the folder named "Test", run the following command:
    ocli plan listfolder /Test/
  3. To list all folders and sub-folders in the folder named "Test", run the following command:
    ocli plan listfolder /Test/@