
You can use the fence command to set the priority for a workstation to filter jobs.


The command sets a priority for the workstation. The jobs with a higher priority run on the workstation. The feature helps you to run only the high priority jobs in low priority job streams and suppress the low priority jobs in high priority job streams. You must have fence access on the workstation. The default fence value for a workstation is zero. You can use the show cpu command to view the current fence value of a workstation.

Syntax and command line options

You can enter the command as follows:
ocli plan (fence|f) [folder/]workstation priority [;noask]
The [folder/]workstation and priority parameters are mandatory. The details required with each parameter are as follows:
You can specify the name of the specific workstation to set the limit, by means of attributes and qualifiers. You can also specify the folder that contains the workstation definition. Specifying the folder is optional.
Specify a value to set as priority for the workstation. You can use the following values:
  • Numerals 0 to 101
  • hi (Equivalent to 100)
  • go (Equivalent to 101)
  • system (Equivalent to zero)

When you add the noask option as an argument, the agent does not ask for confirmation before it acts on each qualifying item.


  1. To change fence on WA_AGT_0 workstation as 10, run the following command:
    Ocli plan fence WA_AGT_0 20