
You can use the showeventsource command to display information about event sources.


Event sources are used by HCL Universal Orchestrator to receive events from specific event plug-ins. You can use the showeventsource command to display details about event sources.

Syntax and command line options

The showeventsource command supports the following arguments:

ocli plan showeventsource | se [[folder/]eventsource] ;events ;from ;to ;triggering ;untriggering
You can specify the name of the specific event source that you want display. You can also specify the folder in which the event source is defined, which is optional.

The details that are displayed are:

The result includes the following information:
  • EventSource

    The name of the event source.

  • Status
    The status of the event source. It can be either:
    • ONLINE
  • ActualStatus
    The actual status of the event source:
    • ERROR
  • Message

    It displays the error message if the actual status of the event source is ERROR.

You can filter the events received by an event source using the following commands:
  • from=HHmm

    Filters all events received from a specific date and time.

  • to=HHmm

    Filters all events received until a specific date and time.

  • triggering

    Filters all events that match events defined in job streams.


    Filters all events that do not match any events defined in job streams.

If you add the events option to the command, the displayed results include the following information:
  • Plugin

    The plug-in type the event source receives events from.

  • EventType

    The event type of the events received by the event source.

  • Received Time

    The date and time the event source received the event.

  • Match

    The name of the job stream that matches the event. If a received event does not match any job stream definition, the Match displays no values.


  1. To display all event sources, run the following command:
    ocli plan se @
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
             EventSource       Status     ActualStatus     Message                     
             MY_SOURCE         ONLINE     LISTENING                                    
             NEW_EVENT_SOURCE  ONLINE     LISTENING                                    
             MY_SOURCE_OFFLINE OFFLINE    DISCONNECTED                              
  2. To display all the events received from all event sources in a specific date and time interval, run the following command:
    ocli plan se ;events ;from=0800 ;to=0900 ;triggering ;untriggering 
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
             EventSource     Plugin            EventType          Received Time        Match
             WEBHOOK1        Webhook           WebhookEvent       04/11 08:25:01
             WEBHOOK2        Webhook           WebhookEvent       04/11 08:25:02       JS1
             KAFKA1          Kafka             KafkaEvent         04/11 08:25:20