adddep sched

You can use the adddep sched command to add dependencies to a job stream.


To expand the scope of a job stream, add dependencies to it. You can use the adddep sched command to link one job to other jobs and set specific time limits. You can add multiple dependencies at the same time, and you must add at least one dependency to perform the action. When you add multiple dependencies, use semicolons (;) as a separator. To add dependencies to a job stream, you must have adddep access to the job stream.

Syntax and command line options

Before you run the command, you must specify options such as job stream name, dependencies, and required permissions. You can enter the command as follows.

ocli plan adddep sched | ads jstreamselect dependency [;noask]
Important: The jstreamselect and dependency are mandatory parameters.

You can add the dependency according to the specific results you want to accomplish. The details that are required with each parameters are as follows.


Specify the job stream to update, by means of attributes and qualifiers.

Specify the type of dependency and add at least one to complete the command. The following table lists type of dependencies that you can used to complete the command.
Command Reference
at time[timezone | tz tzname][+n day[s] | mm/dd | mm/dd/yy] at
deadline time [timezone | tz tzname][+n day[s] | mm/dd | mm/dd/yy] deadline
follows [[folder/]workstation#][folder/]{jobstreamname[hhmm [mm/dd[/yy]]][.job | @] | jobstream_id.job;schedid}| job[,...] [if 'condition_name[| condition_name][| ...]'] follows
until time [timezone|tz tzname][+n day[s]] [;onuntil action] until and onuntil
Restriction: Wildcard characters are not permitted.
  1. If you add a dependency on a job stream to a job twice, the dependencies are processed twice.
  2. When you add a dependency after the job is completed, the dependency is resolved only for subsequent command runs.

When you add the noask option as an argument, the agent does not ask for confirmation before it acts on each qualifying item.


  1. To add an external follows dependency to the job JOBA in the job stream CPUA#SCHED_05(0800 04/12/07) and a job limit to the job stream CPUB#TEST(0800 01/12/05), run the following command:
    ocli plan ads=CPUB#TEST(0800 01/12/05) ; follows 
    CPUA#SCHED_05(0800 04/12/07).JOBA; limit=2