info format

You can add the info option in the showjobs command to view the information related to jobs displayed in the info format.

The following details are displayed in the info format. The performed command and credential details, such as user name and password are also displayed.
The workstation on which the job runs.
Job Stream
The name of the job stream.
The date and time on which the job is scheduled to run. The date is displayed in mm/dd format.
The job name. The notation described in the following list might precede the job name.
  • rerun as

    The job that was rerun by using the rerun command.

  • rerun step

    The job that was rerun by using the rerun;step command.

Job File
The name of the script or the executable file of the job.
Note: File names that are too long might wrap, resulting in incorrect paging. You can use the more option to have a clear view of the results that are displayed.


  1. Run the following command:
    ocli plan sj WS_AGT_0#JOBPROVA_JOBS.JOBPROVA info
    The result is displayed as follows:
    Workstation      Job Stream       SchedTime  Job                                    JobFile
    WS_AGT_0        #JOBPROVA_JOBS   1425 03/24
          script: ls
            userName: trvuser
            password: "${password:trvuser}"