Operation-related supplied variables

The second group of variables are related to information about the operation that is to be submitted. Operation-related variables can be used only as submit variables. Operation-related supplied variables describes these variables.

Table 1. Operation-related supplied variables
Variable name Length (in bytes) Description
OJOBNAME 8 Operation job name.
OLDAY 1 Operation latest start day (1-7); 1 represents Monday, 7 represents Sunday.
OLDD 2 Operation latest start day (day in the month).
OLHH 2 Operation latest start hour.
OLHHMM 4 Operation latest start in hours and minutes.
OLMD 4 Operation latest start time (month and day), in MMDD format.
OLMM 2 Operation latest start month, in MM format.
OLWK 2 Operation latest start week (week in the year) in WW format.
OLYMD 6 Operation latest start date in YYMMDD format.
OLYYDDD 5 Operation latest start in Julian date format (YYDDD).
OOPNO 3 Operation number within the occurrence, right-justified and padded with zeros.
OWSID 4 Workstation ID for current operation.
OXJOBNAM 54 Extended job name set in the current plan at the operation level. If you enter blanks in the Extended Job Name field, the OXJOBNAM value is truncated at the first blank.