Occurrence-related supplied variables

The first group of variables, described in Occurrence-related supplied JCL variables, are related to information about the occurrence. Occurrence-related variables can be used as setup or submit variables.

Table 1. Occurrence-related supplied JCL variables
Variable name Length (bytes) Description
OADID 16 Application ID
OADOWNER 16 Occurrence owner
OAUGROUP 8 Authority group
OCALID 16 Calendar name
ODAY 1 Occurrence IA day of the week (1–7); 1 represents Monday
ODD 2 Occurrence IA day of month, in DD format
ODDD 3 Occurrence IA day of the year, in DDD format
ODMY1 6 Occurrence IA date in DDMMYY format
ODMY2 8 Occurrence IA date in DD/MM/YY format
OFREEDAY 1 Denotes whether the occurrence IA date is a free day (F), or a workday (W)
OHH 2 Occurrence IA hour in HH format
OHHMM 4 Occurrence IA hour and minute in HHMM format
OMM 2 Occurrence IA month in MM format
OMMYY 4 Occurrence IA month and year in MMYY format
OWW 2 Occurrence IA week of the year in WW format
OWWD 3 Occurrence IA week, and day within week, in WWD format, where WW is the week number within the year, and D is the day within the week
OWWLAST 1 A value, Y (yes) or N (no), that indicates whether the occurrence IA date is in the last week of the month
OWWMONTH 1 A value between 1 and 6 that indicates the occurrence IA week-in-month, where each new week begins on a Monday. For example, consider these occurrence IA dates for the month of January in 1996:
Monday 1st
Monday 8th
Wednesday 31st
OYMD 8 Occurrence IA date in YYYYMMDD format
OYM 6 Occurrence IA month within year in YYYYMM format
OYMD1 6 Occurrence IA date in YYMMDD format
OYMD2 8 Occurrence IA date in YY/MM/DD format
OYMD3 10 Occurrence IA date in YYYY/MM/DD format
OYY 2 Occurrence IA year in YY format
OYYDDD 5 Occurrence IA date as a Julian date in YYDDD format
OYYMM 4 Occurrence IA month within year in YYMM format
OYYYY 4 Occurrence IA year in YYYY format, for example, 1996