Customizing System Automation commands

About this task

The System Automation command tailoring function automatically edits System Automation commands through predefined information. This will help you to save time and reduce the possibility of editing errors. System Automation command tailoring provides automatic variable substitution before the command text is submitted to System Automation for processing. Note that:
  • No support for directives is provided. Variables in the command text are searched in the table specified for the application, if any. If no table is defined for the application, variables are searched in the global variable table.
  • Variable substitution is enabled only by setting the VARSUB parameter of the OPCOPTS statement.
  • Only the variable types ampersand (&) and percent sign (%) are supported. The question mark (?) is not valid.
  • The SAVARFAIL parameter in the OPCOPTS statement supports any combination of the variable types (& and %), but at least one type must be specified. Note that by setting the SAVARFAIL parameter you prevent the System Automation command operation from failing, in case of unresolved variables. Unresolved variables are left unchanged. If you do not set SAVARFAIL and a variable is not resolved, an error message is issued.
  • If errors occur during variable substitution, messages are issued in EQQMLOG. The maximum length supported for command text is 255 bytes. Any text exceeding this length after variable substitution, produces a truncation error and the operation failure (OJCV). Text truncation is not allowed.
  • The variables supplied by HCL Workload Automation for Z are the same as those supplied for JCL. For details, refer to Supplied variables.
  • Variable substitution exits are supported.

To use variable substitution in System Automation commands, the load module EQQZVGSU must have been successfully loaded at controller startup. Any variable contained in a System Automation command text is resolved when the operation starts, before it is submitted to System Automation. After the variables in System Automation commands are successfully resolved, the corresponding CP33 record in current plan (CPLREC33) is updated with the resulting values. If there are no variables to resolve or the variable substitution is not successful, the record in the current plan is left unchanged. The System Automation command text supports mixed case, but the string that identifies a variable must be uppercase, otherwise an error message about variable substitution is issued.