Running event-driven workload automation

Event-driven workload automation (EDWA) addresses on-demand workload automation in addition to plan-based job scheduling.

Using event-driven workload automation you can carry out a predefined set of actions in response to events that occur in environments where the scheduler runs.

This process is based on the following concepts:
The event that the scheduler can detect for action triggering. It can be:
  • Activity impacting a data set, when SMF writes a record that traces the closure of one of the following types of file:
    • Data set
    • GDG file
    • VSAM cluster
  • HFS or ZFS file changes.
  • Job submission outside HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  • Special resource status change, requested by an operator command.
The action that the scheduler runs when the defined condition is satisfied. It can be:
  • Add a special resource to the current plan or modify an existing resource, after the tracker generated an event of special resource status change.
  • Releasing a dependency on an operation that runs file watching.
  • Add an occurrence to the current plan.
The event condition that is to be monitored, based on specified filtering criteria.