Invoking and avoiding variable substitution

To invoke variable substitution, take one of the following actions:
  • Set the VARSUB keyword of the OPCOPTS statement to YES. This means that variable substitution occurs from the beginning of the job for all operations defined on setup or computer workstations.
  • Set the VARSUB keyword of the OPCOPTS statement to SCAN (this is the default) and specify the directive //*%OPC SCAN in your job. Substitution in the job starts where the SCAN directive is found. For more information, see SCAN directive.

In the JCL VARIABLE TABLES panel, specify whether variables will be substituted during the setup of the job or when the job is submitted. This is called the phase of the substitution.

If you want to avoid having HCL Workload Automation for Z scan the job for variables, you must set the VARSUB parameter on the OPCOPTS initialization statement to NO. If you do this, job setup is bypassed on the READY LIST panel-setting next logical status sets the status of a job setup operation to Complete.

If you want to bypass variable substitution errors, set the VARFAIL keyword. If you want to apply variable substitution also to inline procedures, use the VARPROC statement, as described in Customization and Tuning.