Date-related supplied variables

The third group of variables are related to the current date and time; that is, the time and date on which the job or started task was submitted. Because they relate to the submission time of the operation, these variables can be used only at submit time. They cannot be used during job or started-task setup. Date-related supplied variables describes these variables.

Table 1. Date-related supplied variables
Variable name Length (in bytes) Description
CDAY 1 Current day of the week; 1 represents Monday, 7 represents Sunday.
CDD 2 Current day of month in DD format.
CDDD 3 Day number in the current year.
CDDMMYY 6 Current date in DDMMYY format.
CFREEDAY 1 Denotes whether the job actual run date and time is a free day (F) or workday (W).
CHH 2 Current time in HH format.
CHHMM 4 Current hour and minute in HHMM format.
CHHMMSS 6 Current hour, minute, and second in HHMMSS format.
CHHMMSSX 8 Current hour, minute, second, and hundredths of seconds in HHMMSSXX format.
CMM 2 Current month in MM format.
CMMYY 4 Current month within year in MMYY format.
CWW 2 Week number in the current year.
CWWD 3 Current day within week in WWD format, where WW is the week number within the year, and D is the day within the week.
CYMD 8 Current date in YYYYMMDD format.
CYY 2 Current year in YY format.
CYYDDD 5 Current Julian date in YYDDD format.
CYYMM 4 Current month within year in YYMM format.
CYYMMDD 6 Current date in YYMMDD format.
CYYYY 4 Current year in YYYY format, for example, 1997.
CYYYYMM 6 Current month within year in YYYYMM format.