Dynamic-format supplied variables

The fourth group are time-and-date-related supplied variables. You define the format you require for these variables using the SETFORM directive described in SETFORM directive. For example, if you want to substitute the occurrence input arrival date with the format MM:DD:YY, you define the dynamic variable OCDATE:



Dynamic-format date-related supplied variables describes these variables.

Table 1. Dynamic-format date-related supplied variables
Variable name Description
CDATE Current date.
CTIME Current time.
OCDATE Occurrence input arrival date.
OCFRSTC First calendar day in month of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCFRSTW First work day in the month of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCFRSTWY First work day in the year of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCLASTC Last calendar day in the month of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCLASTW Last work day in the month of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCLASTWY Last work day in the year of the occurrence input arrival date.
OCTIME Occurrence input arrival time (hours and minutes).
OPIADATE Operation input arrival date (if blank, this takes the value of the occurrence input arrival date).
OPIATIME Operation input arrival time (if blank, this takes the value of the occurrence input arrival time).
OPLSDATE Operation latest start date.
OPLSTIME Operation latest start time.

You can use the variables in Occurrence-related supplied JCL variables, Operation-related supplied variables, Date-related supplied variables, and Dynamic-format date-related supplied variables in the same way as any other variables. Note that dynamic-format variables are treated as the supplied, predefined variables rather than user-defined variables.

When you have defined the format of a dynamic-format variable by using the SETFORM directive, you can use a different format later in the job by redefining the same variable with another SETFORM directive.

Variables beginning with C are substituted only at submit phase. Variables beginning with O are substituted at setup phase, if present, and otherwise at submit. An exception to this is when a C variable is used in a SETVAR expression; it is substituted at setup phase if the SETVAR directive specifies this.