
You can use the showschedulescommand to display the informations related to job streams.


The informations related to job stream is displayed in three formats standard, keys, and deps. You can use keys, info, and logon options to further modify the results for deps display. You can use wildcards to filter job streams and the folders which they are defined. For more information, see Wildcards.
Restriction: A delay is observed for the results displayed if the output data is more than 10KB.

Syntax and command line options

The options that you can use with the command are as follows:
ocli plan <showscheds | ss><jstreamselect><keys><showid>
ocli plan <showscheds | ss><jstreamselect><deps[;keys | ;info | ;logon]<;showid>

If you do not specify any options the results are displayed in standard format. The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:


You can specify the job stream that contains the jobs which you want to view.


If you use the option, the results are displayed with only the job stream id per line.

If you use the option, the results are displayed with job streams used in follows dependencies. You can use the keys, info, and logon options to further filter the results. The jobs and job streams are listed in the Standard format and standard showschedules format respectively.
  • deps;keys

    If you use the keys parameter with deps option, the job streams used in the follows dependencies are displayed with only the job stream id per line.

  • deps;info

    The jobs in the results are displayed in showjobs;info format and the job streams are displayed in the standard showschedules format.

  • deps;logon

    The jobs in the results are displayed in showjobs;logon format and the job streams are displayed in the standard showschedules format.


When you add this option, the results will display a unique identifier that identifies the job stream. In plan, the job streams are not only identified by the name but also the folder in which it is defined. The name of the job stream and the location of the folder where it is defined is linked to a unique identifier.

standard format
If you do not specify any options with the showsched, the results are displayed in standard format. The following informations are displayed:
  • Workstation

    The name of the workstation on which the job stream runs.

  • Job stream

    The job stream name.

  • SchedTime

    The scheduled time and date of the job stream to start the run. The date is displayed in mm/dd format.

  • State
    Specifies the current status of the job stream. The different states are described below.
    • ADD

      The job stream was added by the user.

    • ABEND

      A malfunction in the system has ended the job stream.

    • CANCP

      The job stream is pending cancellation. The job stream is cancelled when all the dependencies are resolved.

    • ERROR

      The check for internetwork dependencies is returned with an error.

    • EXEC

      The job stream is in progress.

    • EXTRN

      Applicable for internetwork dependencies. Specifies the state of external job streams that contains jobs referencing to job or job streams in the remote network.

    • HOLD

      The job stream is waiting for the dependencies to resolve.

    • READY

      All the dependencies of the job stream are resolves and ready to launch.

    • STUCK

      The job stream run is interrupted. The jobs in the job stream are not launched without the user intervention.

    • SUCC

      The job stream finished successfully.

    • SUPPR

      The job stream is suppressed as the related conditional dependencies are not satisfied.

    • Pr

      Specifies the priority of the job stream.

    • (Est)Start

      Specifies the start time of the job stream. If the start time is before or after 24 hours, instead of time the date is displayed in mm/dd format.

    • (Est)Elapse

      Specifies the run time of the job stream.

    • Jobs #

      Specifies the number of jobs in the job stream.

    • Jobs OK

      Specifies the number of jobs that have completed successfully.

    • Sch Lim

      Specifies the limit of job stream.

    • The job stream or job name is displayed for follows dependency. The name is followed by [P], if it is a pending predecessor.
    • For conditional dependencies the name of the predecessor job or job stream is followed by the output conditions in the format, IF <condition name>. The <condition name> can be the final status of the predecessor job, the job stream status or condition based on the predecessor job output. When you have multiple conditions, they are separated by the vertical bar (|) symbol.
    • The file name is displayed for opens dependency. If the file is located in an extended agent, only the last 25 characters of the file name is displayed.
    • The resource name enclosed in hyphens (-) is displayed for needs dependency. When there are more than one unit is requested, the number appears before the first hyphen.
    • For an until time, the time preceded by an angle bracket (<).
    • The prompt number is displayed as #num and the prompt name is followed by parentheses for global prompts.
    • You can identify the cancelled job streams as they are labelled [Cancelled].
    • The Job streams that are cancelled with the ;pend option are labeled [Cancel Pend].
    • For a deadline time, the time displayed is preceded by an angle bracket(<).
    • The job streams with the carryforward keyword are labelled [Carry].
    • The initial name and date of job streams are displayed in brackets that are carried forward form the previous production plan.
    • When the results are displayed for showschedules command, the time dependencies are shown in the start column as described below:
      • Only the time hh:mm, if the date on which the command is run matches with the date set on the job stream.
      • Only the date dd/mm, if the date on which the command is run does not matches with the date set on the job stream.


  1. To display the status of job stream CLEM_DOCOM defined in the folder PROD, on workstation SITE3 defined in the folder EU, and ask for the job stream identifier, run the following command:
    ocli plan %ss /EU/SITE3#/PROD/JS_DOCOM ;showid
    The sample output is given below:
     (Est) (Est)  Jobs  Sch
    Workstation Job Stream SchedTime State Pr Start Elapse #  OK Lim
    >>          /PROD/
    site3      #JS_DOCOM  0600 11/26 SUCC  10 11/26 00:01  1   1      {0AAAAAAAAAAAACRZ}
  2. To display the status of all job streams defined in all folders in the HOLD state on the workstation on which you are running Orchestration CLI, run the following command:
    ocli plan showschedules /@/@+state=hold
    The sample output is given below:
    (Est)  (Est)  Jobs   Sch
    Workstation Job Stream SchedTime  State Pr  Start  Elapse #  OK  Lim
    >>          /PROD/
    site3       #FILE_JS1  0600 11/26 HOLD  10 (11/26)        1   0       parms FILE_JS1`
  3. To display the status of all job streams with name beginning with sched on workstation CPUA in the deps;info format, run the following command:
    ocli plan ss CPUA#sched@;deps;info
    The sample output is given below:
      CPU   Schedule SchedTime Job    JobFile              Opt   Job       Prompt
    CPUA  #JS_FIRST1[(0600 03/10/18),(0AAAAAAAAAAAABVY)] Dependencies are:
      CPUA#MOD 0212 03/10
                               JOBMDM /usr/scripts/gl1(B236153+#)JOB_FTA1  echo Start gl1?
      CPUA#MOD 0251 03/10
                               JOBMDM /usr/scripts/gl2(B236153+#)JOB_FTA2  echo Start gl2?
  4. To display the status of all job streams defined in all folder and on all workstations defined in all folders, run the following command:
    ocli plan %ss /@/@#/@/@
    The sample output is given below:
                                                 (Est)  (Est)    Jobs  Sch
    Workstation Job Stream  SchedTime  State Pr  Start  Elapse  #  OK  Lim
    >>          /PROD/
    site3       #JS_DOCOM   0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
    site3       #JS_SCRIPT  0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:03   1   1
    site2       #JS_PRED1   1000 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
    site3       #JS_SCRIPT1 0600 09/20 ABEND 10  09/20  00:01   1   0
    site3       #LFILEJOB   0600 09/20 READY 10                 1   0
    site1       #RES_100    0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:09   1   1
    site3       #FILE_JS1   0600 09/20 HOLD  10 (09/20)         1   0        parms FILE_JS1`
    site3       #FILE_JOB   0600 09/20 SUCC  10  09/20  00:01   1   1
    site3       #JS_CALC    0000 09/20 HOLD  10 (09/20)         1   0        
    JS_REPORT (0000 09/20/18).JOB12P IF STATUS_OK
    JS_TAX (0000 09/20/18).@ IF ABEND | SUPPR