
You can use the command option to modify a job in plan before it starts running.


You can use the command to make changes to the job definition in plan and start the run. The updated job definition start separately and you can keep the original definition in the database. You must have the submit access to the job. For more information about security access roles, see Security role definition.
Restriction: When the command is submitted, the agent will not ask for your confirmation before taking action on each jobs.

Syntax and command line options

Before you run the command, you must specify options such as job stream name, dependencies, and required permissions. you can enter the command as follows:
ocli plan altjob | aj = <jobselect><streamlogon|logon=new_logon><docommand="new_command">

The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:

Important: The docommand and script parameters are mutually exclusive with each other and cannot not be used together.
Note: If you edit the definition of a job in plan that contains variables, the job completes the run, but the variables are not resolved with their value.

Specify the job to update, by means of attributes and qualifiers.

For example, WA_AGT_0#JOB_STREAM.JOB.


You can specify a new user name to run the selected job under.


You can specify a new command that the job must run in place of the original command.


You can specify a new script that the job must run in place of the original script.


When you add the option as an argument the agent will not ask for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying job.