Temporarily modifying the parameters in the config.yaml file

You can temporarily modify the parameters in the default config.yaml file when you run a plan, model or plug-in command. This feature permits you to customize the behavior of a specific command without modifying the entire config.yaml file.


This temporary modification of parameters is especially useful in cases where you have multiple config.yaml files created for different stages of a workflow. To modify a parameter temporarily, you need to include the parameter and its new value in the command. The parameter value is temporarily updated to run the specified command. This allows you to override the default value in the config.yaml file to run a single command, without affecting the overall configuration. It provides flexibility in customizing the behavior of commands based on specific requirements. By specifying the parameter and its new value in this way, the command will use the modified value for that specific instance, while the default value of the parameter remains unchanged in the config.yaml file. In conclusion, the ability to modify context parameters temporarily provides a convenient way to customize the behavior of commands on a per-instance basis, allowing for more flexibility and adaptability in your workflows. You can modify the following parameters in the config.yaml file:
  • Host
  • Port
  • ContextRoot
  • Protocol
  • Insecure
  • Proxy
  • ProxyPort
  • ProxyUser
  • ProxyPassword
  • Jwt
  • Timeout
  • CurrentFolder
  • ExternalConfigurationFile
  • ShowWarnings
  • CurrentEnvironment
You can enter the command as follows:
ocli [model|plan] -parameter=value command
ocli [model|plan] command -parameter=value
ocli -parameter=value [model|plan] command