release job

You can use the release job command to release normal and time dependencies from a job.


The command can be applied to jobs that are waiting for the resolution of a dependency. The status of such jobs are marked as HOLD. When you use the command, the dependency is removed only for the job that are in progress. When you rerun the same job, the dependency persist. To remove the dependency permanently from a job stream, refer to deldep job. You must have the release access to the job to release the dependencies. For more information about security access roles, see Security role definition.

Syntax and command line options

Before you run the command, you must specify options such as job name, dependencies, and required permissions. You can enter the command as follows:

ocli plan release job | rj = <jobselect><dependency><noask>

You can add the dependency according to the specific results you want to accomplish. The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:


Specify the job to update, by means of attributes and qualifiers.

For example, WA_AGT_0#JOB_STREAM.JOB.


Specify the type of dependency and add at least one to complete the command. The following table lists the type of dependencies that you can use to create the command line.

Command Reference
at= time[timezone | tz][+n day[s] | [mm/dd | mm/dd[/yy]]] at
deadline= time [timezone | tz][+n day[s] | [mm/dd | mm/dd[/yy]]] deadline
follows=[workstation#]{jobstreamname[time [mm/dd[/yy]]][.job | @] | jobstream_id.job;schedid}| job[,...] [if 'condition_name[| condition_name][| ...]'] follows
until time [timezone|tz tzname][+n day[s]] | [;onuntil action] until
confirmed confirmed

When you add the option as an argument the agent will not ask for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying job.


  1. To release job job3 in job stream ap(1000 03/05/18), stored in folder myfolder, from all of its dependencies, run the following command:
    ocli plan rj myfolder/ap(1000 03/05/18).job3
  2. To release all jobs on workstation site4 from their dependency on a job stream named pred, run the following command:
    ocli plan rj=site4#@.@;follows pred