
You can use the showjobs command to view the informations related to jobs.


You can run the command alone or with different parameters to filter the results. If you run the command without adding any parameters the results are displayed in the standard format. For more information, see Standard format.The following parameters are used to view the results in eight different formats:
  • keys
  • info
  • logon
  • keys retcod
  • deps
  • stdlist.

    You can further filter the deps format by using the following options:

  • keys
  • info
  • logon

You can also use the wildcards to filter the jobs and the folders within which they are defined. For more information, see Wildcards.

Restriction: A delay is observed for the results displayed if the output data is more than 10KB.

Syntax and command line options

You can run the command as follows:
ocli plan <showjobs | sj><jobselect><deps;[keys | info | logon]><short | single><showid><props>
ocli plan <showjobs | sj><jobselect><[;keys | ;info | ;logon | ;keys retcod]><[short | single><showid>
ocli plan <showjobs | sj><jobselect |[[folder/]workstation#]jobnumber.hhmm]><stdlist[;keys]><short | single><showid><props>
The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:


Specify the job you want to display.


You can specify the job number for the job.


The start time of the job.

The jobs used in follows dependencies are displayed followed by the dependent jobs and job streams. The jobs and job streams are listed in the standard showjobs and standard showschedules format. You can use the options keys, info and logon to further filter the results.
  • deps;keys

    If you use the keys option with deps parameter, the jobs used in the follows dependencies are displayed with only the job id per line.

  • deps;info

    If you use the info option with deps parameter, the jobs are displayed in showjobs;info format. The job streams are displayed in standard showschedules format.

  • deps;logon

    If you use the logon option with deps parameter, the jobs are listed in the showjobs;logon format. The job streams are listed in the standard showschedules format.

When you add the option, the job names are displayed one on each line. It is displayed as follows.
Workstation    Job stream SchedTime  Job     State Pr Start Elapse ReturnCode Dependencies

MYCPU+#SCHED_F+ 0600 03/04 ******* HOLD  55(03/04)               [03/04/18]; #33
                (M235062+#)JOBMDM  HOLD  30(03/04)               #1(PRMT3);-16 JOBSLOTS-

MYCPU+#SCHED_F+ 1010 03/04 ******* HOLD  55(03/04)               [03/04/18]; #34
                (M235062+#)JOBMDM  HOLD  30(03/04)               #1(PRMT3);-16 JOBSLOTS-

If you add this option, the job details are displayed in Info format. For more information, see info format.


If you add this option, the job details are displayed in step format. For more information, see step format.


If you add this option, the job details are displayed in logon format. For more information, see Logon format.

You can use this option with keys parameter. The command will display the return code for the job.
ocli plan %sj @; keys retcod
If you add this option the details are displayed in stdlist, You can use the keys option to further modify the results. The following informations are displayed:
  • Header and trailer banners: The header contains job name, username, the workstation on which the jobs are run, job number, date (mm/dd/yy or mm/dd format), time and the command performed. The trailer part displays informations such as, Exit Status, Elapsed Time, Job CPU usage, Job Memory usage, date and time.
  • Displays the output of the job or error output, if the job is failed.
Note: Information related to archived jobs are not recoverable using the stdlist option.
Stdlist;keys format

On each line, the names of the standard files for the selected jobs are listed.


The name of the workstation on which the job runs. You can filter the jobs with wildcard characters.

The display is reduced for every and rerun jobs to include the details described below:
  • The first iteration
  • Jobs in different states
  • Exactly matched jobs.
Note: The field displays specific properties, if the job is a shadow job or a job defined in JSDL.

You can add this option to view the specific instance of a job. You must identify the jobs by job number in jobselect.


When you add the option, the result displays the unique identifier for the job and job streams.


If you have the display access to the props of the specified job and use this option with the command, then the following informations are displayed.

General information
  • job
  • Workstation Folder
  • Workstation
  • Task
  • Task Type
  • Job Stream
  • Job Stream Workstation Folder
  • Job Stream Workstation
  • Scheduled Time
  • Priority
  • Login
  • Monitored
  • Requires Confirmation
  • Interactive
  • Critical

Runtime Information

  • Actual Workstation
  • Status
  • Internal Status
  • Not Satisfied Dependencies
  • Job Number
  • Rerun Options
  • Information
  • Promoted
  • Return Code
  • Return Code Mapping Expression
  • Successful output conditions related to a SUCC job status
  • Other output conditions

Time Information

  • Actual Start
  • Earliest Start
  • Latest Start
  • Latest Start Action
  • Maximum Duration
  • Maximum Duration Action
  • Minimum Duration
  • Minimum Duration Action
  • Critical Latest Start
  • Deadline
  • Repeat Range
  • Actual Duration
  • Estimated Duration
  • Confidence Interval

Recovery information

  • Action
  • Message
  • Job Definition
  • Workstation Folder
  • Workstation
  • Retry after
  • Number of attempts
  • Current attempt
  • Run on same workstation

Extra information

The additional properties specific for the shadow jobs and jobs defined by JSDL are displayed in this section. The section contains the following informations for shadow jobs:

For distributed shadow jobs:

  • Remote Job Scheduled Time
  • Remote Job
  • Remote Job Stream
  • Remote Job Stream Workstation

For z/OS shadow jobs:

  • Remote Job Scheduled Time
  • Remote Job
  • Remote Job Workstation
  • Remote Job Error Code
  • You cannot recover the information on archived jobs using props option.
  • When the output of a job is displayed, the job definitions and the output conditions are not displayed.