
You can use the showcpu command to display the information related to workstations or cpus.


The cpus or workstations are the building blocks of HCL Workload Automation on which the jobs or job streams are run. The network contains at least one domain which is the master domain. Multiple domains can be added to expand and divide the network to smaller groups. You can use the showcpu command to display the details of these workstations such as, type and properties of workstations, the OS version and hardware model, the version of HCL Workload Automation agent installed and so on. For more details, see Syntax and command line options section.
Restriction: When the results are displayed:
  • The workstations are not listed in order.
  • Incorrect status for the workstation links and processes.

Syntax and command line options

You can view the information in two different formats, standard and info. If you do not specify the info option the results are displayed in Standard format. You can use specific options to filter the results. You can enter the command as follows:

ocli plan <showcpus | sc><[domain!][folder|workstation]> <info> <offline> <showid>

The details that are required with each parameters are as follows:


You can specify the name of the domain under which all the workstations or cpus that you want display are grouped. The default value is the workstation on which you run the command.


You can specify the name of the specific workstation or cpus that you want display. You can also specify the folder in which the workstation is defined, which is optional.

If you do not specify any option, the information is displayed in standard format. The result includes the following informations:

    The name of the workstation of which the information is displayed.

  • RUN

    The value in symphony file that indicates the number of jobs that have run on the workstation.

  • NODE

    Specifies the node type and workstation type.

    The node type are as follows:
    • UNIX®
    • WNT
    • OTHER
    • ZOS
    • IBM i
    The workstation types are as follows:
    • MASTER
    • FTA
    • S-AGENT
    • X-AGENT
    • POOL
    • D-POOL
    • REM-ENG

    The number of jobs that can run simultaneously on the workstation.


    Specifies the priority limit set on the workstation for filtering the jobs to be launched.


    Specifies the date and time when HCL Workload Automation started the run for the current production plan. The date is displayed in mm/dd/yy format.

  • State

    Specifies the state of the following:

    1. Workstation links and process. The status is displayed in up to five characters.
      [L|F] [T|H|X|B] [I] [J] [E] [D] [A|R]
      Each character indicates specific informations as follows:
      • L

        The workstation is connected to the domain or upper manager. If the workstation is an agent or remote engine, the character indicates the workstation is connected to the workload broker server. If the workstation is part of a pool or dynamic pool, the character indicates the workload broker workstation of the pool or dynamic pool is connected to the domain or upper manager.

      • F

        The workstation is connected to all the primary and secondary connections, such as the domain manager and all the backup domain managers.

      • T

        The fault tolerant agent is directly linked to the domain manger.

      • H

        The workstation is connected through the host.

      • X

        The workstation is connected as an extended agent.

      • B

        The workstation communicates through the workload broker server.

      • I

        If the workstation is a MASTER, MANAGER, FTA, S-AGENT or X-AGENT, the flag indicates the jobmon program completed the startup initialization.

        If the workstation is part of a pool or dynamic pool, the flag indicates the agent is correctly initialized.

        If the workstation is a remote engine, the flag indicates that the communications initialized between the remote engine workstation and the remote engine.

      • J

        If the workstation is of type agent MASTER, MANAGER, FTA, S-AGENT, X-AGENT, this flag indicates that jobman program is running.

        If the workstation is of type agent, this flag indicates that JobManager is running.

        If the workstation is of type pool, this flag indicates that the JobManager process is running on at least one agent registered to the pool.

        If the workstation is of type remote engine, this flag indicates that the ping command to the remote engine is successful.

    2. Monitoring agent and the status will displayed as characters up to two.
      [E] [D]
      Each character indicates specific informations as described below.
      • E

        The event processing server is installed and running on the workstation.

      • D

        Indicates the monitoring configuration package installed on the workstation is up-to-date.

    3. The status of WebSphere Application Server Liberty and if the application server is installed, one character is displayed. No character is displayed if the application is down or not installed.
      Each character indicates specific informations as described below.
      • A

        WebSphere Application Server Liberty has started.

      • R

        WebSphere Application Server Liberty is restarting.


    The option is only for extended agents and specifies the access method specified in the definition.


    Specifies the name of the domain for the workstation.


If you add the option with the command the results are displayed in info format. The result includes the following informations.


    The name of the workstation.


    The version of the HCL Workload Automation agent installed on the workstation.


    Specifies the time zone of the workstation which is the same value of TZ environment variable. For an extended agent and remote engine workstation, this will be the time zone of host and remote engine respectively.

  • INFO

    An informational filed which displays the operating system version and hardware model. For extended agents and broker workstations, no information is displayed. The remote engine is displayed for remote engine workstation.


When you add this option, he results display a unique workstation identifier. In plan, the workstations are not only identified by the name but also the folder in which it is defined. The name of the workstation and the location of the folder where it is defined is linked to a unique identifier.


  1. Run the following command to display all the workstations in all the folders.
    ocli plan sc /@/@
  2. Run the following command to display all the workstations in all the folders with the unique identifier.
    ocli plan sc @;showid
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID              RUN NODE        LIMIT FENCE DATE     TIME      STATE       METHOD  DOMAIN
    AP-MERGERS-WIN      35 *UNIX MASTER   10     0 10/01/23 23:59    I J  M EA             MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-WIN    }
    AP-MERGERS-LNX86    35  UNIX AGENT    10     0 10/01/23 23:59    LBI J  M              MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-LNX86}
    AP-MERGERS-LNX36    35  OTHR BROKER   10     0 10/01/23 23:59    LTI JW                MASTERDM         {AP-MERGERS-LNX36}
    MASTERAGENTS        35  OTHR POOL     10     0 10/01/23 23:59    LBI J                 MASTERDM         {MASTERAGENTS    }
    WINFTA              35  UNIX FTA      10     0 10/01/23 23:59    LTI JW M              MASTERDM         {0AAA5D7ZC7BY24A6}
  3. Run the following command to display the results in info format.
    ocli plan showcpus ;info
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    CPUID         VERSION   TIME ZONE               INFO
    MASTER  US/Pacific              Linux 2.6.5-7.191-s390 #1 SM
    FTA1                           Linux 2.4.9-e.24 #1 Tue May
    FTA2                           HP-UX B.11.11 U 9000/785       
  4. Run the following command to display the information in link format.
    ocli plan sc @!@;link
    A sample output for this command is as follows:
    MASTER     MASTER     AF T  51099
    FTA1       FTA1       AF T  51000  CPU235019
    FTA2       FTA2       AF T  51000
    BROKER1    MASTER     A  T  51111