
You can use the help command to view the online help or details about the commands that Orchestration CLI supports.


The help command provides information on how to use the Orchestration CLI and its various commands. You can use the help command alone or in combination with parameters to achieve specific results. The help command provides quick access to information that you need, to use Orchestration CLI. You can use it to access the online help, view a list of available commands, or get details about a specific command.

Syntax and command line options

You can enter the command as follows:
ocli [context|model|plan|plugin] [help|h] [command]
To view the details about a specific command, add the command parameter.
You can specify the command name to view details about it. You must enter the spelled-out form of the command. No abbreviations are supported.


  1. Run the following command to display the list of Orchestration CLI commands:
    ocli [plan|model] help commands
  2. Run the following command to view the details of install command:
    ocli plugin install
  3. Run the following command to view the details of set command:
    ocli context set