Specifying workstation destinations

For workstations representing computer systems (computer workstations and WTO general workstations), the destination is the tracker. The tracker can communicate with the controller in several ways:
  • Shared DASD containing an HCL Workload Automation for Z SUBMIT/RELEASE data set
  • z/OS® cross-system coupling facility (XCF) communication links
  • A VTAM® connection and the network communication function (NCF) of the tracker
  • A TCP/IP communication link
  • A user-defined method invoked from the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009
Therefore, you can specify the destination as:
  • The ddname of a SUBMIT/RELEASE data set
  • The XCF member name of a tracker
  • The NCF receiving LU name of a tracker
  • The logical name associated with the IP address or host name of the tracker
  • A user-defined name

For workstations representing a remote engine, an HCL Workload Automation Agent, or a dynamic domain manager, which are directly connected to the controller, the destination is defined by the fully-qualified host name or TCP/IP address and the port number of the agent. The remote engine, HCL Workload Automation Agent, and dynamic domain manager, communicate with the controller through an HTTP/HTTPS communication link.

When you create a workstation, specify a destination that corresponds to a destination specified in the ROUTOPTS initialization statement. The default destination is the system where the controller is started.