
Do not:
  • Specify both dependent and independent variables as setup variables, if the independent variable is part of a compound variable that cannot be resolved at the setup phase.
  • Specify a setup or promptable dependent variable if the independent variable is resolved at submit.
  • Cause a loop by making a variable directly or indirectly dependent on itself.
  • Give a dependent variable a blank value, if VALUE REQUIRED=Y is specified for that variable.
  • Use a variable substitution exit to set the value of the independent variable.

The dependent variable is given its value on the first pass of variable substitution, and you should be careful if the independent variable needs several passes to resolve. For example, if you gave SYSTEM a value &OWSID. (which is substituted further, because it is a scheduler-defined variable), MSGC will not be substituted correctly, unless you specify the literal &OWSID. as the value for the independent variable, which is probably not what you want. If you need to make MSGC dependent on the workstation name, the correct method is to make OWSID the independent variable. See Using supplied variables for a description of this method.