Substituting variables with embedded blanks

HCL Workload Automation for Z allows embedded blanks and trailing blanks in variables. For example, the string 25 Dec 1997 can be specified as a variable value. If you specify variable verification, the type of variable must be LIST or blank. When you define a default value with embedded or trailing blanks, a warning message is issued to ensure that these blanks are intentional.

Leading blanks, however, are not supported. If you enter leading blanks, the string is left-justified (the blanks are removed) with no warning or error message.

To get trailing blanks, you must specify a length for the variable—this is the only way HCL Workload Automation for Z can tell if there should be trailing blanks. Use the LENGTH VALUE field on the SPECIFYING VERIFICATION CRITERIA panel (EQQJVVEP - Specifying verification criteria). If you do not specify a length, trailing blanks are not included in the substitution.