Effects on special resource availability

When the deploy process is completed, an automatic special resource availability handling starts and goes on, as follows:
  1. Whenever any file is affected by an action that corresponds to a possible triggering event type, the proper SMF write exit is called to examine the generated SMF record.
  2. The exit invokes the tracker subsystem, which compares the file name and other specifics from the SMF record against the entries in the configuration file.
  3. If a match is made, the tracker subsystem creates a special resource status change event record and places it on the writer queue (WTRQ) in the extended common service area (ECSA). Following rules apply:
    • For a partitioned data set, the member name is not part of the resource name in the event that the tracker generates.
    • Generation Data Group data sets are specified by the group name. For example, when a GDG data set with the name 'DSN.OPCSUBS.GDG.G0001V00' is closed the special resource event contains resource name 'DSN.OPCSUBS.GDG'.
    • For VSAM data sets the resource name in the generated event is the cluster name (without the DATA or INDEX suffix).
    • If you used wildcards in the FileName parameter values of your event rule definition, the resource name in the generated event is the full name of the matching data set.
    Note: This record is an EXS event. It begins with the characters SYY. When browsing the tracker event data set, SYY appears in columns 21-23. The data set name from the SMF record begins in column 53 (x'20'). For more information about the EXS event, see EXS - Resource event.
  4. The tracker event WRITER task removes the record from the writer queue, writes it to the event data set, and passes it to the controller.