Producing the configuration files

About this task

Based on the current routing options (ROUTOPTS initialization statement), the controller creates your configuration files in the EQQEVLIB data set, that is a partitioned data set where each member name corresponds to a tracker destination.

When the controller starts, it updates the EQQEVLIB data set by creating a member for each active destination. The controller leaves unchanged any existing member with the same name as an active destination, and empties any member that does not correspond to an active destination.

To populate the configuration files for all the defined tracker destinations, perform the following steps:
  1. Select option 1.7.3 from the main menu.
  2. Press Enter to submit or edit a JCL to run the EQQRXTRG program, that performs the following actions:
    1. Reads and parses the defined event rules.
    2. Updates EQQEVLIB data set, according to the following criteria:
      • If the controller is not active when you run the JCL, EQQRXTRG updates the EQQEVLIB data set based on the defined event rules, producing one member for each Destination value.

        Existing members, with the same name as a specified Destination value, are replaced.

        Existing members, with names that do not correspond to any specified Destination value, remain unchanged.

      • If the controller is active when you run the JCL, EQQRXTRG updates the EQQEVLIB data set based on the defined event rules, replacing any existing member corresponding to a specified Destination value.

        Existing members, with names that do not correspond to any Destination value, remain unchanged.

        When detecting a Destination value that does not correspond to any member in the EQQEVLIB data set, EQQRXTRG returns an error message without creating a new member.

      The process formats each EQQEVLIB member data according to a trigger table layout mapped by the TRG data area. It includes a header with a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) number, to univocally identify the configuration file: changing the input to the EQQRXTRG program produces a different CRC number.

      Any comment inserted in the XML source file is not stored in the formatted output.

      For details about the TRG data area, see the Diagnosis Guide and Reference.

    3. Optionally, issues a modify command with the DEPLOYCF option, to immediately start the deploy process for the configuration files. You can add the modify command in the JCL source before submitting it, or manually issue the same command later. For details about the deploy process, refer to Deploying configuration files.