Monitoring the shadow job status changes after the bind is established

As soon as the bind is established, the remote engine sends back an HTTP notification containing the status of the bind and, if the bind was successful, the information to identify the remote job instance bound. This information is saved in the shadow job instance details.

To see these details, choose option 14 (REMOTE JOB INFO) in the SELECTING APPLICATION OCCURRENCE AND OPERATION INFORMATION panel. A panel containing the following information is displayed:
Shadow job data:
  • Application name
  • Input arrival
  • Operation
  • Job name
Complete if bind fails
It determines if the operation must be forced to COMPLETE status when the bind process fails.
Bind status
It can be one of the following values:
  • Sending bind request
  • Waiting for bind result
  • The bind was established
  • The bind failed
Depending on the type of remote engine, the following information about the remote job instance is shown:
The remote engine type is z/OS
  • Application ID
  • Input arrival
  • Operation number
  • Workstation
  • Job name
The remote engine type is distributed
  • Job stream name
  • Input arrival
  • Job stream workstation
  • Job name
Notifications about job status changes are sent asynchronously from the remote engine. These notifications are used to map remote job status transition into shadow job status transition. Store and forward mechanism ensures the delivery of the messages and the recovery in case of failures. Distributed shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established shows how the status of a distributed shadow job changes, from when the bind is established until the shadow job status becomes COMPLETE (C).
Figure 1. Distributed shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established

The graphic shows the distributed shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established

z/OS shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established shows how the status of the z/OS shadow job changes, from when the bind is established until the shadow job status becomes COMPLETE (C).
Figure 2. z/OS shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established

The graphic shows the z/OS shadow job status transition chain after the bind was established

If the remote job instance has already completed successfully when the match is done, the shadow job status becomes C immediately.

If the shadow job ends in ERROR, an error code explains why the job failed. For example, if the job failed because the bind failed then the error code is FBND.

ERROR status is not considered a final status for the shadow job, because the remote job instance bound can be rerun at a later time. Only status C is considered as the final status for a shadow job.

As soon as the shadow job status satisfies the dependency rule, the dependency of the local job from the shadow job is resolved, and the cross dependency for the local job on the remote job is also resolved.