Modifying shadow job instances in the current plan

In a shadow job instance you can modify the following settings:
The remote job data that is used to bind the shadow job to a job instance in the remote engine plan
To modify the remote job data, select option 11 - Remote job info in the MODIFYING AN OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN (EQQMMODP) panel. Depending on whether the shadow job is distributed or z/OS, one the following panels opens:
In this panel you can modify any of the following values:
  • Job stream name
  • Job stream workstation
  • Job name
In this panel you can modify any of the following values:
  • Application ID
  • Operation number
Changes applied to these settings affect bind requests not yet triggered or shadow job reruns, they neither affect bind requests already in progress or established, nor update the shadow job definition in the database.
The workstation name
To modify the workstation name, select the job instance in the MODIFYING OPERATIONS IN THE CURRENT PLAN (EQQMOPRL) panel and update the workstation name field. Depending on the type of the workstations, both the original and the new one, the following situations can occur:
If you change from a non remote engine workstation to a remote engine workstation:
Because only shadow jobs are supported on remote engine workstations, you are requested to add remote job data to the job instance definition before saving the change.
If you change from a remote engine workstation to a non remote engine workstation:
Because shadow jobs are not supported on non remote engine workstations, when you save the changes the following situations occur:
  • All information contained in the remote job data fields are deleted.
  • If a bind request was in progress, notifications are discarded.
  • If a remote job instance was already bound the asynchronous notifications about remote job status are discarded.
If you change from a remote engine workstation to another remote engine workstation:
When you save the changes the following occurs:
  • If a bind request was in progress, notifications are discarded.
  • If a remote job instance was already bound, the information about the job instance matched in the remote engine plan are deleted and the asynchronous notifications about remote job status are discarded.
If the types of the remote engine workstations are different, the information necessary to bind the remote job are deleted and you are requested to add new remote job data before saving the change.