Setting monitors from the programming interface

In addition to enabling Tivoli® Business Systems Manager from the panels, you can also write special scripts with the programming interface to specify monitors for Tivoli® Business Systems Manager.

With the programming interface, you can specify that one operation of an application or occurrence be monitored. You can also specify that all the operations of an occurrence be monitored. Moreover, you can use the MONITOR option as a filter for the following:
  • Operations in the current plan
  • Applications or occurrences
For additional information about using the programming interface to set up monitors for Tivoli® Business Systems Manager, see the Developer's Guide: Driving HCL Workload Automation for Z. In addition to using the programming interface, monitoring of operations can be enabled from the batch loader and the BCIT. For information about how to use the batch loader, see Developer's Guide: Driving HCL Workload Automation for Z.