How monitoring works

To monitor HCL Workload Automation for Z, Tivoli Business Service Manager scans the daily planning report in HCL Workload Automation for Z and discovers all batch objects in the scheduler plan. Events to signal job status changes and alert conditions are sent to Tivoli Business Service Manager only for jobs that have the EXTERNAL MONITOR job option set to YES.

Tivoli Business Service Manager receives the following events from HCL Workload Automation for Z for monitored jobs:
  • Addition of an operation
  • Operation in late
  • Operation waiting for resource
  • Start of an operation
  • Long duration for an operation
  • End of an operation
HCL Workload Automation for Z also sends to Tivoli Business Service Manager an event for the following alert conditions:
  • Alert durations (monitored jobs only)
  • Alerts for late operations (monitored jobs only)
  • Alerts for operations that ended in error (all jobs)
  • Alerts for the time out of a special resource (monitored jobs only)
  • Alerts for HCL Workload Automation for Z subtasks or subsystems that ended in error
  • Alerts for HCL Workload Automation for Z subtask queues that exceed the threshold value

Tivoli Business Service Manager is notified for all job error situations, such as job abended. When a non-monitored job abends, the EXTERNAL MONITOR job option is automatically set to YES, and Tivoli Business Service Manager begins to monitor it.