Discovery of the HCL Workload Automation for Z objects

To import the HCL Workload Automation for Z objects, such as jobs, job streams, and workstations, into the Tivoli Business Service Manager model, you can use the Discovery Library Toolkit.

The Discovery Library Toolkit allows you to provide resource information to the Change and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB) without the overhead of a Web Application Server, database, or any other component of middleware. To integrate HCL Workload Automation for Z with CCMDB through the Discovery Library toolkit, you are provided with the following samples that produces the input required to run the CCMDB Export tool. The sample JCL to run the EQQTBSWS and EQQTBSAD samples is EQQTBSJ.
A PIF-based REXX EXEC that produces a list of the workstations in the data base. The output is a sequential data set with the following layout:
A PIF-based REXX EXEC that produces a list of the applications and their operations in the data base. To be listed, the applications must be active and with the validity range including the current date when the EXEC is run.
The output are two sequential data sets, one for the application and one for the operations, with the following layout:
ADOUTJS (Job Stream)

To export the output data sets to CCMDB, complete the following procedure:
  1. Create a local UNIX System Services (USS) directory and copy the following files from the USS bindir of DB2 reporting feature:
    • CCMDB.jar
    • CommonObjects.jar
    • CommonServices.jar
    • dl_core.jar
    • icu4j-61_1.jar
    • idml_schema_2.5.jar
    • ModelObjects.jar
  2. Send the output data sets created by the EQQTBSWS and EQQTBSAD samples to the local USS directory that you created.
  3. From the local USS directory, enter the following command:
    java -jar CCMDB.jar
  4. To import the data sets to CCMDB, enter the following command:
    java -jar CCMDB.jar wks_file jobstr_file job_file [book_complete_path]
    The output data set created by EQQTBSWS.
    The output data set created by EQQTBSAD.
    The output data set created by EQQTBSAD.
    Optional. The complete path to the book file. If you do not specify a value, it is automatically created in the current directory with a name that includes the timestamp.