Previous period

You can also produce reports for a period before a REPLAN or EXTEND of the current plan. See Reports for a previous planning period for examples of the reports.

The previous period is the latest complete 24-hour period starting at the hour specified by the PLANHOUR keyword of the BATCHOPT statement. The default hour is 06:00. Previous period results are stored in the current plan if the PREVRES keyword of BATCHOPT has the value YES, which is the default value. The data is kept in the current plan until the next REPLAN or EXTEND job has reported on the data, and it is then deleted. For example, if you have specified PLANHOUR as 08:00 and you are running EXTEND at 07:00 on Wednesday morning, you will get reports from the interval 08:00 Monday to 08:00 Tuesday, and this data is deleted (if you run another extend at 07:30, there is no previous period report). If you then run REPLAN at noon Wednesday, you will get the reports from 08:00 Tuesday to 08:00 Wednesday. If you wait two days before the next EXTEND or REPLAN, you get a report for the previous two 24-hour periods, because the data is kept until reported on. For details about the BATCHOPT statement, see Customization and Tuning.

Previous period reports include:
Summary of completed applications
The report shows the number of applications processed in the period and gives the number of applications:
  • With late input arrival, showing the average input delay
  • That missed their deadlines, showing the average deadline delay
  • That completed before their deadlines, showing the average deadline earliness
  • That were rerun
  • That were deleted
Completed applications
This report has statistics for each application.
Operations ended in error
This report shows the operations that ended in error and have not yet been fixed.
Special resource actual utilization report
Shows, by interval, the availability of each resource, the percentage of time that the resource was not being used, and the percentage of time that operations were waiting.
Error statistics on completed applications
This report (in error-code order) shows:
  • Applications that have had one or more operations rerun because of an error and that have now completed successfully (these applications do not appear on the Completed Applications report).
  • The error duration (time lost due to errors), if it is not zero.
  • The rerun duration (time lost when rerunning completed applications), for any application that has been added to the long-term plan or current plan with a rerun (error) code.
  • The total error duration for each error code.
  • The total rerun duration for each error code.
  • The number of errors for each error code.
  • The total number of errors.
Note: An application or operation cannot appear in both the reports Completed Applications and Error Statistics on Completed Applications in any period.
Workstation histograms - actual utilization
The report shows the actual use of workstations for the given period. Completion-only and non-reporting workstations are not included in this report. These histograms can be compared with the planned usage.
Missed feedback report
The missed feedback report is created by a REPLAN or EXTEND job only if missed feedback data has been created. The report lists all operations and occurrences where the feedback of the actual duration and deadline to the application description database was not possible.
Critical path report
The critical path report is created by a REPLAN, EXTEND, or TRIAL job only if critical job data has been created. The report lists all the critical jobs, assigning one of the following CRIT TYPE values:
The job has the CRITICAL field set to P.
The job was identified as critical by running the daily planning batch job. This happens when the job is a predecessor of a critical job.