Modifying occurrences in the long-term plan

Sometimes, you will need to make one-off changes to a particular occurrence of an application. For example, you might need to put a DASD space override in the job for end-of-year processing, or you might need to add some predecessors. Changes to long-term plan occurrences can be performed by selecting the ONLINE option from the MAINTAINING THE LONG TERM PLAN panel. After selecting the occurrence or list of occurrences you want to work with, you can:
  • Modify operation data: change the operation text, operation level input arrival and deadline times, or prepare job statements
  • Modify dependencies: delete an existing dependency, create new predecessors or successors
  • Modify occurrence data: change priority, job variable tables, occurrence level input arrival and deadline times

If you change an individual occurrence and then modify the application description that gave rise to that occurrence, HCL Workload Automation for Z does not change the manually altered occurrence when the long-term plan is extended. HCL Workload Automation for Z issues a warning message to indicate that this occurrence has not been changed in line with the modified application description. HCL Workload Automation for Z assumes that any manual changes you have made should override any automatically generated changes.

The long-term plan does not include all operation detail. If you want to make changes to dependencies in the long-term plan, HCL Workload Automation for Z lets you establish the dependency to an occurrence, not to a particular operation within an occurrence. For more information see Setting default successor and predecessor workstations.

You can change the input arrival date or time of occurrences that are members of an occurrence group. When you modify the input arrival for an occurrence that is a member of a group, the occurrence is removed from that group. If the new input arrival corresponds to an existing occurrence group, the occurrence will become a member of that group. If there is no existing occurrence group with the new input arrival a new occurrence group will be created. Group members cannot be individually deleted from the long-term plan until they are removed from the occurrence group.

Note: If you edit a job using the LTP panel, the job is saved in the JCL repository data set EQQJSnDS, even if you make no changes, and subsequent changes to the job in EQQJBLIB will not take effect for that occurrence. So be sure to cancel the edit, or use the Browse command, unless you really mean to save the job statements for that particular occurrence in the repository data set.