How to look for operations that ended in error

The ERROR LIST panel (EQQMEP1L / EQQMEP2L) lists jobs that ended in error and provides you with other important information to understand if that error is preventing job processing from proceeding.

EQQMEP1L - Left side of the Error List panel shows you how the information about the jobs that ended in error is displayed if you use the default layout TWSZOS:
Figure 1. EQQMEP1L - Left side of the Error List panel
Cmd Jobname  no. Ia date  Ia time Errc xRC CoRj RbyCo CPR£ PR£  CSU£ SU£  SR£ 
''' ROXJOB1    1 00/03/22 00.00   2134 Y   N    N        0    0    2    0   0
''' ROXJOB2    3 02/03/19 12.02   S806 N   N    N        0    0    1    1   0
''' ROXJOB3    1 03/03/22 01.00   5134 N   N    N        0    0    0    1   0
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
The error code is displayed in the ERRC column.

The right side of the panel, accessible by typing RIGHT, provides you with additional information such as the occurrence the job belongs to, the workstation, and the execution destination. By typing LEFT you see again the left side of the panel.