How the scheduler evaluates the status of the conditional successor operation

Because the status of an operation depends on the status of its conditions and on the status of its normal predecessors, the status of an operation is set to one of the following values:
X (Suppressed by Condition)
When at least one condition is F (False).
Note: When evaluating conditional successors status, predecessor operations in status X are considered equal to predecessor operations in status C.
R (Ready)
When its normal predecessors are C or in X status and all its conditions are T (True).
W (Waiting)
When at least one normal predecessor is not C or X or at least one condition is U (Undefined).
Note: If you define both conditional and normal dependencies on an operation, the normal dependency is managed as a conditional dependency that is true when the status of the predecessor operation is C. For this reason, when conditions are defined, to have the predecessor operation completed successfully is not sufficient to let the successor operation start, but instead the following considerations are applied:
  • The conditions can be evaluated because a path for progression exists in the plan.
  • The status of all conditions is considered to calculate the conditional successor operation status.