Controlling the db_replay_server

Learn how to control the db_replay_server process.

Note: Semi-live reformatVOB is a Technology Preview feature.

When the initiation of the semi-live reformatVOB process is completed, there will be two versions of the VOB database. The current VOB database, the db directory, and the newly reformatted VOB database, the db.semilive. When the reformatvob load process is completed, a db_replay_server process is started for that VOB, and only one db_replay_server is started for a particular VOB. There can be multiple db_replay_server processes running, but each one is assigned to a particular VOB. When the db_replay_server process is started, the command-line argument must include the VOB storage path name.

You can start and stop the db_replay_server when necessary or appropriate. For example, to reduce any performance impacts, the db_replay_server might only be executed during off-hours. The -replay_exit command-line option to the semi-live reformatVOB process, results in the db_replay_server for that VOB to stop. You can start the db_replay_server at any time using the -replay_restart command-line option.

The db_replay_server has its own log file, db_replay_log, which logs any pertinent information. Each start and stop, using the reformatvob -semilive -replay_restart or reformatvob -semilive –replay_exit commands are recorded.


The following is an example of the command-line on how to start and stop the db_replay_server.

To start the db_replay_server, use the following command:

cleartool reformatvob -semilive -replay_restart <vob_stg_path>

To stop the db_replay_server from replaying transactions, use the following command:

cleartool reformatvob -semilive -replay_exit <vob_stg_path>