Command-line parameters to semi-live reformatVOB

The semi-live reformatVOB procedure is controlled by the cleartool reformatvob -semilive <vob_stg_path> command.

Note: Semi-live reformatVOB is a Technology Preview feature.
The semi-live reformatVOB procedure uses the following command-line parameters:
Accept all values for any prompts that occur.
Cancel the current semi-live reformatVOB process for the VOB.
Request from the db_replay_server for the current number of transactions that needs replay to the db.semilive copy of the database.
If the db_replay_server is not running for a VOB, start a db_replay_server process.
If there is a db_replay_server started for the VOB, the db_replay_server is terminated.
During the initiating stage, the internal reformatvob dump process can be directed to a different directory to save from using up the temporary disk space in the VOB storage directory.
When the semi-live reformatVOB complete process is done, the VOB is unlocked by default. If the administrator likes the VOB in a locked state when completed, then use this option.