Assigning a rule to a project template

You use this procedure to change the assignment of a rule to one or more project templates.


  1. Click Settings > Plan Settings > Health rules.
    A page lists the health status rules.
  2. For the rule you want to assign, click Edit rule (Small pencil).
    Note: Before you edit a project health status rule, verify that no other administrators are working with that rule. Object locking does not apply to project health status rules.
  3. Click Modify Template Association (Two overlaid dialogs).
    A dialog opens with a list of enabled project templates on the left, and a list of templates the rule is assigned to on the right.
  4. Use Select >> and Remove << to move selected templates from one list to the other. Use Ctrl+click and Shift+click to select multiple templates.
  5. Click Save & Close.
    The Health rules page lists the project templates with the rule.
  6. Click Save Rule (Small diskette) for the rule.
    Note: Until you click Save Rule, your selections are not saved. To cancel your edits, under Actions click Trash can for the rule.


You can also assign a rule to an individual project template. Edit the template, and on the Properties tab select the Project Health Status Rule.