Marketing object cross-reference report

All projects and marketing objects contain a report that describes cross-references to and from other marketing objects. This report appears on the Analysis tab, and is titled "Marketing Object Cross-Reference."

For projects, the report contains the following sections.

  • Marketing objects that are referenced by this project
  • Marketing objects that are modified by this project

For marketing objects, the report contains the following sections.

  • Marketing Objects that Reference This Item: other marketing objects that contain a link to this marketing object.
  • Marketing Objects that This Item References: other marketing objects to which this marketing object links.
  • Projects that Modify This item: projects that can change this marketing object.
  • Projects that Refer to This Item: projects that contain a link to this marketing object including offers. Marketers can see the list of Campaign Projects where an offer or offer list is referenced. The information can be useful when the user wishes to update, cancel or delete an offer or an offer list.
  • Approvals that Refer to This Item: approvals that contain a link to this marketing object.