Create New Grid dialog

The Create New Grid dialog has fields that you need to understand.

Table 1. Fields in the Create New Grid dialog
Field Description
Grid Type

The type of grid you want to create.

  • Line Truncate View
  • Line Wrap View
  • Two Line Staggered View
  • Editable Grid View

See Grid types.

Is TCS Applies to editable grids only. Select this check box to create a Target Cell Spreadsheet for use in campaign projects. Clear this check box for all other data-entry grids.
Grid Internal Name The name to use when creating files for the grid.
Grid Display Name The display name for this grid.
Database Table The database table that contains the data users enter in the grid (for editable grids) or the database table that contains the data that displays in the grid (for read-only grids).
Note: The grid database table must not be the same as the form database table.
Table Key Column For an editable grid, the name of the column to contain the parent ID (the ID of the project or marketing object that holds the grid). If multiple editable grids (including Target Cell Spreadsheets) use the same database table, they must use the same table key column.
  • For a read-only version of an existing editable grid, use uap_grid_row_id.
  • For a read-only grid not related to an existing editable grid, the name of a column that uniquely identifies rows in the table that contains the data you want to display.
Note: You should not change the table key column after you create the grid.
Key Column Type The data type of the table key column.
Number of rows in one page The number of rows to display in one page of the form. This value cannot be greater than 100.
Show Export Link Select this box to enable users to export the grid data or data selections.

For grids that display read-only data, the Create New Grid dialog presents the following additional fields.

Table 2. Fields in the Create New Grid dialog for read-only grids
Field Description
Data Post URL The URL of the server to which the data the user selects is sent. (This option is not available for editable grids.)
Filter By Parent Id Select this check box to filter the read-only grid to show only entries from the current project or marketing object. (This option is not available for editable grids.)
Parent ID Column Name The value of the Table Key Column for the grid component for the editable grid whose data you want to display as a read-only grid. (This option displays only if the Filter by Parent ID check box is selected.)
Show View Link Select this check box to enable users to set their viewing options for the grid. (This option is not available for editable grids.)
Show Group By Link Select this check box to enable users to specify a column by which to group the grid rows.