Form Definitions page

The Form Definitions page lists each of the custom forms that are defined for your system.

For each form, the following columns display.

Table 1. Columns on the Form Definitions page
Column Description
Name The display name and the description of the form for use in Unica Plan.
Table The name of the database table that stores the values that users enter for form attributes.
Used By A list of the templates that use this form.

This column displays an icon that represents one of the following actions for the form. A tip with the option that is available displays when you move your cursor over the icon.

  • Publish: makes the form available for use in object templates. After a form is published, Disable displays until changes are made.
  • Disable: prevents this form from appearing in the list of available forms on the template Tabs tab. Disabling a form does not change any existing templates that include it. After a form is disabled, the Enable action displays.
  • Enable: makes the form available in the list of available forms on the template Tabs tab.

See Template Tabs tab for customizing the user interface.


This column displays an icon that represents one of the following actions for the form:

  • Revert: undoes any changes that you made to the form since it was last published. If there are no unpublished changes, this option changes to Delete.
  • Delete: deletes the form. This option is only available for forms that are not used in any templates.
Export Click to export the latest published version of the form.
Copy Click to create a copy of the form.
Manage Click to enable or disable the lookup values used by attributes in the form.

The list page also contains the following links.

Table 2. Links on the Form Definitions page
Link Description
Create New Form Click to open the Form Editor so you can create a form.
Import Form Click to select a form to import into your system.